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Navigating Stress as a Locum Doctor

Locuming is a rewarding and fulfilling career choice for many doctors in Ireland. It offers numerous advantages including flexibility, variety of work, and the opportunity to gain new experiences & skills. However, like many jobs, it can come with an element of stress. With the right approach and mindset, you can learn to manage stress effectively as a locum. 

This article explores the various challenges faced by locum doctors in Ireland and provides strategies for managing and negating stress in this unique professional role.


How Stress Manifests in Locum Roles

Locum work can significantly enhance your career, but it also presents unique challenges. Understanding how stress manifests is essential for managing and addressing its impact on your well-being and work-life balance. Here are some common examples of stress in locum roles:

  • Emotional and Mental Exhaustion: Constant adaptation, high workloads, and performance pressure can lead to emotional and mental exhaustion. Locums may experience irritability, mood swings, anxiety, or difficulty concentrating. Don’t forget that emotional exhaustion can also affect personal relationships and job satisfaction.
  • Physical Symptoms: Stress can show up physically, resulting in headaches, muscle tension, fatigue, or sleep disturbances. These symptoms only exacerbate any stress experienced by locums, which highlights the importance of prioritising self-care and seeking medical attention if or when necessary.
  • Feelings of Isolation: Humans are social creatures and moving between different workplaces can create a sense of isolation. Locums can feel disconnected from colleagues, lacking a stable support system or sense of belonging. This sense of isolation can contribute to increased stress levels and feelings of loneliness.
  • Uncertainty and Anxiety: Working in unfamiliar settings and dealing with constant change can lead to heightened anxiety in some people. For those who suffer with anxiety, the need to quickly adapt to new environments, protocols, and colleagues can further contribute to stress and anxiety.
  • Work-Life Imbalance: Balancing work commitments with personal life can be particularly challenging for some locum doctors. The somewhat irregular schedules, long hours, and a sense of pressure to fill staffing gaps can disrupt work-life balance. Locums may struggle to find time for self-care, leisure activities, and spending quality time with loved ones, leading to increased stress and burnout.
  • Professional Pressure: Locums often face high expectations to perform well in unfamiliar environments. They may encounter new challenges and complex cases, requiring them to adapt quickly and provide quality care. This pressure to meet professional standards can contribute to stress and self-doubt.


Dealing With Stress as a Locum


If you’ve identified growing stress levels in your work as a locum doctor as well as your personal life, the next step is learning how to manage that stress healthily. Here are some approaches that can help:

  • Establishing a Support Network: Building a network of colleagues and mentors can provide valuable emotional support and guidance. Regular interactions with fellow locums or joining professional organisations can help you connect with others who understand and can empathise with the unique challenges the can with locum work.
  • Embracing Self-Care: Prioritising self-care is essential for managing stress. Engaging in activities you enjoy, such as exercising, practising mindfulness or meditation, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, can help you recharge and stay resilient.
  • Developing Effective Communication Skills: Clear and open communication is vital for those looking to succeed as a locum doctor. Effective communication with colleagues, staff, and patients can help prevent misunderstandings and alleviate stress. Developing strong interpersonal skills, including active listening and assertiveness, can contribute to smoother work experiences.
  • Planning and Organisation: That old saying “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail” comes to mind. Creating a structured approach to your work can help manage time constraints effectively. Use calendars, to-do lists, apps and other organisational tools to prioritise tasks and to allocate your time efficiently. Breaking down larger projects into smaller, manageable tasks can also reduce overwhelm.
  • Learning and Continuous Professional Development: Expanding your knowledge and skills through continuous learning can boost your confidence and reduce stress. Take advantage of available resources, such as conferences, workshops, and online courses, to stay updated on the latest advancements in your field. This proactive professional development approach can help you feel more prepared and competent in your locum placements.
  • Seeking Emotional Support: Recognise when you need emotional support and seek it proactively. This could involve reaching out to friends, family, or professional therapists who can provide a safe space for you to express your feelings and concerns. Always remember, it’s good to talk.
  • Setting Realistic Expectations: It's crucial to set realistic expectations for yourself. Use the SMART goals strategy. Recognise that it takes time to adjust and become familiar with new settings. Allow yourself room for growth and learning, and remember that mistakes are part of the learning process.
  • Practising Stress Reduction Techniques: Implementing stress reduction techniques can be beneficial for managing stress daily. Techniques such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, visualisation, or engaging in hobbies that you’re passionate about can be really beneficial. Experiment with different methods to find what works best for you.


Learn How to Handle Stress Effectively as a Locum

Working as a locum offers many benefits, but like other roles can be stressful. By understanding the unique challenges faced by locum doctors and implementing effective stress management strategies, healthcare professionals can navigate their locum careers with greater ease. Prioritise self-care, seek support when needed, and invest in your personal and professional development to thrive in your role as a locum doctor and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

One of the biggest benefits of locum work is the abundance of opportunities. If you don’t enjoy your current position, many other options are available. Explore our latest vacancies at Locum Express to find your next dream job.



Mental Health Resources
Helplines, Crisis Resources Online Resources and Apps

Samaritans: Offers confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair. Available 24/7.

Phone: 116 123 (free call in the UK and Ireland)

Headspace: An app offering guided meditation, helpful advice, and emergency calming exercises designed to help users manage anxiety, stress, and mental focus.


Calm: An app for meditation and sleep, which helps users reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and feel better overall. It includes guided meditations, Sleep Stories, breathing programs, and relaxing music.
