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Mental Health Support for Locum Doctors


Working as a locum doctor in Ireland offers flexibility, variety, and the chance to broaden your professional experience. However, the nature of the work, combined with the high demands of the healthcare environment, can sometimes take a toll on your mental health. Ensuring you have the right support, structures and strategies in place is crucial for maintaining well-being while thriving in your career.


Understanding the Mental Health Challenges


Locum doctors often face unique challenges, such as irregular working hours, frequent changes in workplace environments, and having to adapt quickly to new teams and protocols. If not managed properly these factors can lead to feelings of isolation, stress, and burnout. Recognising and acknowledging these challenges early is the first step towards safeguarding your mental health.


Key Resources Available in Ireland


Ireland offers several mental health resources specifically tailored for healthcare professionals, including locum doctors. Here are some of the key options:

1. The Practitioner Health Programme (PHP):

PHP provides confidential support and treatment for doctors and dentists experiencing mental health issues, including stress, burnout, depression, and anxiety. They offer a safe space to discuss any concerns and access professional advice.

2. The Irish Medical Organisation (IMO):

The IMO offers resources and support services to its members, including counselling and peer support networks. These services are designed to help doctors navigate the stresses of their profession while maintaining mental well-being.

3. Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP):

Many healthcare facilities in Ireland provide access to EAPs, which offer confidential counselling services and mental health support. Locum doctors should inquire about these services at the institutions where they work.

4. Online Resources and Helplines:

Organisations like the Samaritans Ireland and Aware offer 24/7 helplines and online support for anyone experiencing mental health difficulties. These resources are invaluable for locum doctors or anyone who might need immediate support.


Strategies for Maintaining Mental Health


In addition to leveraging available resources, integrating personal strategies can significantly enhance your mental resilience as a locum doctor:

1. Prioritise Self-Care:

Regular physical activity, sleep, and a balanced diet are the foundation to mental well-being. Should you be experiencing high stress levels. Incorporate relaxation techniques such as mindfulness or yoga into your routine to help manage your stress.

2. Stay Connected:

Building and maintaining professional and personal relationships is essential for combatting feelings of isolation. Regularly connect with colleagues, friends, or a mentor who understands the pressures of your role. It’s always good to talk.

3. Set Boundaries:

One of the advantages of locum work is the ability to set your own schedule. Use this flexibility to your advantage and set clear boundaries between work and personal time. Avoid overcommitting to shifts and ensure you have enough or schedule in downtime to recharge.

4. Continuous Professional Development:

Engaging in ongoing learning can enhance your confidence and reduce work-related stress. Stay updated with the latest medical practices leads to confidence in ones ability. Consider attending workshops or conferences that offer both professional growth and networking opportunities.

5. Seek Professional Help When Needed:

If you find that stress or anxiety is becoming overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Talk. Early intervention can prevent more serious mental health issues and help you continue your work with renewed energy and focus.




Maintaining good mental health is crucial for locum doctors who are constantly navigating new challenges in their work. By utilising available resources and adopting proactive strategies, you can safeguard your well-being and continue to provide the best care for your patients. Remember, taking care of yourself is not just beneficial for you, but also for those who rely on your expertise and compassion.

For further support, consider reaching out to the Practitioner Health Programme or exploring the resources provided by the Irish Medical Organisation.


For more information or to make further enquiries on working as Locum Doctor in Ireland, please contact the Locum Express Team at +353 (0)21 4297901 or email us at, and we’ll provide you with the support you need.